Sunday, 18 November 2012


Last night a fast but frightening storm hit my little old town and did some major damage. I, luckily enough, was at my boyfriend's place in Lennox and missed all the commotion, but I have since been filled in by my family that there have been houses torn apart by the wind, power lines are down on nearly every street, trees have been uprooted and roofs have come off a lot of houses. Mum and dad and my sister and brother are thankfully all okay, and our house suffered minimal damage with only a fallen tree against our verandah and water damage to a few rooms where water seeped around the edges of windows and under doors, but power isn't expected to be restored for about a week due to the massive amount of damage to power lines and it is rumoured that another storm is due to hit some time tonight.

Jake and I are hoping that the weather clears in time for our trip away at the end of the week, especially since we decided to go camping, but in the meantime, blog posts might be a bit minimal, as I wont have access to internet when I am at home, and i'm quite unable to sew without my sewing machine so my Gift Exchange Gift, which I was hoping I would get finished today will have to wait until power is restored.

Here are a few pictures my friend posted on facebook of the damage to his street:

Unfortunately, these aren't the worst affected houses, either. A few people lost most of their possessions when their houses sort of caved in in the storm. I'm definitely praying for these people with all my might right now. Mum and dad said there is no point in me coming home, so all I've seen is a few pictures here and there, but what with Woodburn being such a small town (population around about 500) and tight-knit community, all I really want to do is help.

1 comment:

  1. so glad your family is okay,fingers crossed you will have good weather for camping.xx
