Thursday 7 March 2013

Calling All Aussie Vintage Sellers!

Recently, while looking for vintage on Etsy, I realised how expensive buying vintage clothes and homewares from overseas and paying shipping fees can get, and wondered why it is that I don't know of many Australian vintage sellers to buy from. Surely they are out there somewhere, right? This is when an idea struck me - I might not be the only Aussie looking for affordable vintage online, and coming up empty-handed. What if I created a Directory of Australian Vintage Sellers on my blog? This way, I will have a nice, neat list of affordable vintage sellers to choose from next time I have the online shopping bug, and better yet - if I can get some vintage sellers with actual shop spaces to join the directory, I could go and try on all the vintage goodness! But, I can't do all this alone, and this is where you come in:

If you, or someone you know, sells affordable vintage online please contact me at to be included in my Australian Vintage Sellers Directory. If you have a storefront, then that is a bonus and I want to hear from you too!

The only requirements of being included in this directory are:

  1. You are an Australian business
  2. The vintage you sell must be good quality
  3. The vintage you sell must be affordable
  4. You must display the small button on my sidebar on your blog/website somewhere if possible
  5. I must have some way of reviewing the quality of the items you sell.
I look forward to hearing from some fantastic Aussie vintage sellers soon! Please spread the word if you can so I can create a comprehensive directory of quality vintage sellers. It would mean a lot to me!

Also, I am thinking of, if you join the directory, doing guest posts, reviews or feature posts with the vintage sellers for extra exposure for you and extra vintage goodness for me and my readers. I can't wait to embark on this fantastic vintage adventure, and I hope you will join me in it too :)

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